
日期:2023-09-27来源:心情说说人气: 我来评论


The rest of your life. don't panic. Don't look back, don't look back, don't look back.


Age is cruel, but gentle. It takes something away and gives something back.


Grow up to understand a truth, do not devalue others like things, is a quality.


Times have changed, and no one can reverse them. That can not get the people forget, those helpless things as well forget.


Even if the road is not smooth, also want to do their own sun.


Those who can be together, please cherish. Because, some people want to be together, but can't.


What really matters is not more, but less.


The older I get, the less I want to do unilateral output. No matter friendship or love, I will treat anyone who is good to me.


Some things in life that can't be undone: the words that are uttered, time that is wasted, opportunities that are lost.

十、人生,哪能事事顺心;生活,哪能样样顺意。不和小人较真,因为不值得;不和自己较真,因为伤不起;不和往事较真,因为没价值;不和现实较真,因为要继续 。

Life, which can everything go smoothly; Everything goes well in life. Not small people, because it is not worth; Not true to oneself, because hurt can not afford; Not true of the past, because no value; Not true to reality, because to continue.


Appreciate a paragraph of words very much: how others treat me, is my cause and effect; How I treat others is my practice.

十二、我理解的三观一致,并不是想法,行为,生活保持一致,而是你一本正经,也还是愿意听我胡说八道 我素来传统,但依然能欣赏你的特立独行

I understand the three-view consistency, is not to think, act and live the same, but you are serious, or willing to listen to my nonsense I have a tradition, but still can appreciate your maverick.


The fountain is beautiful because of its stress; The waterfall is spectacular because she has no escape; Water can wear through a stone because it persists forever. The same is true of life.


Everyone can have particularly difficult periods, long or short, when you feel hopeless and can't see the light. However, indulging in complaining and worrying is of no use, sad and painful is of no use, it is better to clean up the mood, full of energy, head up to face, maybe everything will come out bright.


Don't let the temper and ability as big, the more capable people less temper. Good state of mind, everywhere roundness, everywhere roundness. Good state of mind, can stimulate the greatest potential of life, is your greatest wealth.


On the way of life, only you are the partner of your own life, not others, not life, not the world. Be a responsible partner in your own destiny, not turn away from the good, not drown your dreams, not abandon the good, not throw away the time.